Hi-Track is the UK’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of hydraulic tools.

Catering to a wide variety of industries, the product range comprises of over 2,000 products including hydraulic cylinders, pumps, jacks, torque tools, bolt tensioners, hydrotest pumps, puller kits, crimpers and cutters, nut splitters, flange spreaders, Toughlift jacking systems and other industry related hydraulic tools.

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Tools & Solutions

To make your work safer and easier to perform

New Electric Tensioning Pumps

The new SMTB-S Series is an extension to our existing line of SNTB electric tensioning pumps. The SNTB-S Series features a pendant-operated solenoid valve which is ideal for multiple bolt tensioning applications and allows for single-person operation.

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New High-Performance Battery-Powered Pumps

The ZC-Series cordless hydraulic pumps combine the performance of an electric pump with the convenience and portability of a battery pump. The ZC-Series is ideal for jobs that require a combination of portability, speed and safety. These cordless pumps work well for remote locations without access to power and indoors where trip hazards, ergonomics or size is a concern.

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